Where does the Devil reside?

Where does the devil reside?
Does it reside in you and me?
It comes like an unwanted guest and curls up in a corner
It comes disguised as a friend and whispers insecurities in our ears

At times it becomes a stubborn tenant
Refusing to vacate our hearts and minds
Should one use a stick in such a situation?
Should one use guile?

I think, the best way to go about it, is
To keep a clean heart and a non-judgmental mind
For he is scared of these the most
And won’t cherish darkness, if that, he is unable to find

The mind is like a merry-go-round!
All thoughts abound on the swing
But the devil is on the lookout
To hop aboard, on the weakest link

But if he hears the sound of laughter
And spots happy faces
Then he tucks his tail between his legs
And runs off without leaving a trace

Poem by Harshi

Astounding featured click by Marek Piwnicki 

Happy Vijayadashami to everyone! Where do you think the devil resides?

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